Friday, January 18, 2013

CV/CG RIshikesh/Gridman/Chaturvasi's 70th B'day bash

It was an eventful day for THC's resident CCE which was capped off with an evening bash at the Platinum Point, Presidency Club, Chennai. The bash had thin attendance and only the following made it to the event Padmanabhan, Bhala, Rengaswamy, Dr Gaytahri Srikanth, VP, Ajeesh and self (as a surprise factor for the B'day boy) with the B'day boy and Mrs Gita Rishikesh. Appended below are some of the photographs.

 Mrs Gita Rishikesh, Dr Gayatri Srikanth and Venkatesh Prabhakar (VP)

 Padmanabhan, Rengaswamy and Bhalachandra Pasupathy (Bhala)

 The B'day cake

 B'day boy and self

 The cake and candles with an extra one for luck

 CV reading out the inscriptions on the cake

 Gayathri, Gita, CV, Bhala, Padmanabhan, Self, VP & Rengaswamy

 A piece to eat at last

A piece for the better half

Padmanabhan reads out the poem composed by Mrs Pavalamani Pragasam (PP)

 ....and presents it to him

 A bouquet for Gita

 CV reading out PP's poem

 A gift for the B'day boy from Kishore, Arden, Shuchi, Bhavan, VP, Sandhya, David John, Suresh, Padmanabhan, Gayathri, Phantom, Ramesh, Dr Srinivasan, Ajeesh, Bhala and Self

 Ajeesh who arrived just as the cake was beng cut with VP and CV

 The gift, a SONY digital photo frame

Self, Padmanbhan, Rengaswamy, VP, Ajeesh, Gayathri, Gita, CV and Bhala at wind up time

Last but not the least a big big thank you to Bhala and Padmanabhan for putting in their time  and effort to organise the evening, great job done by both of them.

PS: I am going to create a database of all the visitors to my blog so that we can have details of everyone in various cities, for use in case of future events at any of the cities. Please forward your Address, Contact nos and e-mail ID's to my e-mail ID. Details will be kept confidential.